Popcorn Infotech Terms & Conditions

“Popcorn Infotech” and "Popcorn Suvidha Kendra" is a registered trademark of Popcorn Infotech Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 with its registered office at 809, The Summit Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400093 (Company).

The domain name www.popcorninfotech.com is owned by the Company.

Please feel free to reach out to us at our Customer Care helpline: 8767-003366 (Toll Free)

It is hereby clarified that Popcorn Infotech Private Limited does not have any relation with the mark ‘GST Suvidha Kendra’, which (we are given to understand) is used by Mayank Jain for its Legal services business, which is not related to Popcorn Infotech Private Limited in any manner.

Thank you for purchasing our services. We value your trust and assure you of the best services at all times. As our customer, when you are buying our product or service, you agree to our terms and conditions as below:

Under normal business circumstances, Popcorn Infotech will ensure to get the delivery of all services within the stipulated time period communicated through our portal or our Suvidha Kendra or Service Provider.

   You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of the Company and/or its affiliates without the express prior written consent of the Company. You may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing the Company’s name or trademarks without the express prior written consent of the Company.

   Popcorn Infotech publishes the prices for all services delivered through its marketplace platform. However, at any point of time, Popcorn Infotech reserves the right to change the price of these services. Popcorn Infotech would not be liable for any extra charges paid to Suvidha Kendra / Service provider for availing services of Popcorn Infotech.

   Popcorn Infotech reserves the right to offer special discounts on its services to customers from time to time.

   At all times, Popcorn Infotech expects to maintain a cordial business relationship with its Suvidha Kendra and Customers. However, if the Suvidha Kendra or the Customer comes across as being extremely unreasonable or rude with Popcorn Infotech staff or its experts, Popcorn Infotech reserves the right to cancel the order of the Customer or terminate the agreement of the Suvidha Kendra, as the case may be. In the event of cancellation or termination, the customer / Suvidha Kendra will forfeit any payment made to Popcorn Infotech.

    Popcorn Infotech has copyright on all Images used throughout the currency of the Website ( www.popcorninfotech.com ). Unauthorized use of any image or use of any image without prior written consent would attract penal liability and legal recourse. Popcorn Infotech would be free to claim monetary loss against such use of images.

   In situations where the service needs to be delivered before a deadline (Eg. Tax filing), Customers are expected to cooperate with Popcorn Infotech to enable us to deliver the services in a timely manner. In case of any delay in order fulfillment, Popcorn Infotech shall not bear the cost of any interest or penalty that may be imposed on customers by other parties.

   Popcorn Infotech is governed by the laws of the India. Popcorn Infotech will carry out its business in good faith with complete transparency. Popcorn Infotech reserves the right to refuse any order that it cannot deem to fulfill within the legal and regulatory framework of the country.

   Popcorn Infotech reserves the right to retain all details of the Customer, including however not limited to, GSTIN Username, GSTIN Password, ITR ID, ITR Password, Mention its own details while filing returns on behalf of customers, account Details, Digital Signature and transaction detail of the Customer. Details would be HANDED OVER ONLY and ONLY to the Customer after clearing of all dues and Payment of EXIT COST.

   All wallet balance amount maintained under the Franchisee / Service Agreement with each Popcorn Suvidha Kendra should be utilized within 1 year of its deposit failing which same would be invoiced as franchisee fee of Popcorn Infotech

   Invoices will remain valid for one year from its date of creation. The paid fee will be forfeited if applicants does not avail services as per invoice within this period.

   Invoice once made for services would not be cancelled.

   All disputes are subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction.

Apply For GST Suvidha Kendra

Our team is happy to solve your query. Fill the form and we will get in touch with you.

Head Office Address

Popcorn Infotech Private Limited,
809, 8th Floor, The Summit Business Bay, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400093

Helpline: 8767003366

E-mail: support@popcorninfotech.com

Note: *Popcorn Infotech Provides FREE Franchise ( I.e. Charges NO Franchisee Fee) with Requirement of Initial Wallet Balance to Be Paid Upfront

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