All about ESIC Return Filing

with Pocorn Infotech


ESI registration is mandatory if a company or entity employs ten or more low-earning employees. Any employee earning less than ₹21,000 a month must contribute 1.75% of their pay towards the ESI. Employer must contribute the remaining 4.75% towards their ESI.

Due dates: 15th of the following month

Documents required: salary structure and attendance records

Charges: 1500 + GST per return

Annual package: Rs.15,000 + GST for 1 year of returns

Processing time: 2 working days

1. At TaxWare, Addition/ deletion of employees is complimentary with filing of returns for that period.
2. In case of any new employee joining, registration of employee needs to be done within 10 days of joining. So you may share data for new joinees before end of the month, and final salary and attendance at the end of the month.

Note: *Popcorn Infotech Provides FREE Franchise ( I.e. Charges NO Franchisee Fee) with Requirement of Initial Wallet Balance to Be Paid Upfront

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